David Kerbel

Board Member & Clinical Director of IPE and Digital Enablement

David is a GP partner at Saffron Health in Leicester, GP trainer & RCGP Fellow.  As clinical lead for the Fantastic Foxes Training Hub (TH), he lead its development – the first of the 3 THs in now forming the LLR TH.

  • The aim of the Foxes was to raise the profile and promote primary care education in Leicester  and especially in deprived “Deep End” practices where demand is highest.
  • Collaborative working with Prof Elizabeth Anderson (LMS) highlighted Interprofessional Education IPE developed through a series of IPE Masterclasses across LLR and East Midlands deanery.  This led to development of a programme of IPE - joint home visits for Polypharmacy reviews by medical & pharmacy students along with Dr Chris Sanders and the new City Academy putting IPE into action on.  Saffron Health was awarded the John Horder prize for IPE in 2017.
  • Working with Dr Nina Lakhani, of DMU Pharmacy School, lead to pharmacy students getting more primary care exposure - GP tutorials and undertaking audits in primary practice.
  • Has led introduction of 50:50 joint Pre-Reg pharmacy placements with local chemists.
  • Helped develop Physicians Associate at DMU course and especially its emphasis on primary care  – recognised by honorary professorship of Health & Life Sciences for his work with DMU.
  • Saffron Health has pioneered introduction of a multi-disciplinary workforce (led by Philippa Guy and Dr Amit Rastogi) into practice based on IPE – new practice pharmacists, taking nursing students from new practice placements through to General Practice Nurses, development of paramedic team, development of new nursing  roles like care home nurse, family planning nurse, practice therapist  (allowing training of undergraduate CPNs), physiotherapist and Nursing Assistant.  These allow traditional doctor roles to be done by trained clinicians who have more time for patients allowing GPs to concentrate on more complex psychosocial cases.
  • Development of practices as a Learning Organisation with mentoring, appraisals and interprofessional learning programme.
  • Support for Portfolio GPs through Medical Book Group, Art in Medicine group, Doctors in Addiction, BMAS acupuncture & pain management, new International GP induction programme (mental health) and development of a primary care based Epilepsy service – Leicester Model (guest speaker at a series of Neurology meetings nationally to promote initiative.)
  • Currently involved with development of group consultations – sentinel practice and video group consultations (supporting local care homes through COVID).
  • Promoted developmental work nationally through presentations and posters at RCGP conferences.

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